What Happens?

Self-worth is so vital to your happiness. If you don’t feel good about YOU, it’s hard to feel good about anything else. -Mandy Hale What happens when you feel like you are the one that is out of place. When you feel like your entire adult life has been spent caring for and arranging the life of others andContinue reading “What Happens?”

Amputee + three and one in college, How we do virtual school.

What is better than having one kid at home doing virtual school, I will tell you, having three. The bonus to that is I also have a child in college, so let me break it down for you. I have 4 kids in 4 different educational levels in 4 different schools. I am going toContinue reading “Amputee + three and one in college, How we do virtual school.”

The Virus-Who’s In Its Cross Hairs?

14,281,380 COVID-19 cases in the US as of 12/4/2020 279,634 COVID-19 deaths in the US as of 12/4/2020  It has been almost a month since my last COVID post and since then we have had almost 4 million more positive cases and over 35,000 more deaths. How many more of those 4 million positive casesContinue reading “The Virus-Who’s In Its Cross Hairs?”